Royal Knights Early Access 4 Release Notes

Added SFX and VFX.

Enemies are now more unpredictable and dangerous.

Made it where the player cannot attack or block when an enemy is allowed to attack you. (There's a moment where the player could still attack and delay the invincible enemy from attacking you.)

Enemies can now attack faster. (Before it was a one second cooldown, but now it's a 0.7 - 1.0 second cooldown based on the enemy.) (This one second cooldown also interfered when the enemy was allowed to attack the player freely.)

Enemies duration to blocking has been decreased.

Improved the enemies visual and technical ability to attack the player when they block an attack.

Animation adjustments.

Fixed an issue where whenever an enemy was allowed to attack the player, once they enter the Gary's (green) grass patch, they become untouchable and cannot attack for the duration.

Shortened Pearly's (pink) skill check size. (It was too big, considering how her power is very useful.)

Improved menu transitions.

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